
阅读数: 1718

成果名称: Studyofanewone-waytimingmethod

成果登记号: 9612022J0024

第一完成单位: 中国科学院国家授时中心

联 系 人: 吕晓珊

成果类型: 基础理论

成果体现形式 : 论文

应用行业: 科学研究和技术服务业

学科分类: 天体测量学(160.30)

完成人: 许龙霞,李孝辉,薛艳荣,蔡成林,郭美军


This paper combines the advantages of both common-view time transfer and one-way timing and proposes a new one-way timing method. Owing to the limitations in users capacity and real-time,common-view time transfer can not provide time service simultaneously for mass users. A zero baseline experiment is carried out to validate its feasibility.