
阅读数: 1168

成果名称: Smart safety early warning model of landslide geological hazard based on BP neural network

成果登记号: 9612023J0207

第一完成单位: 安康学院

联 系 人: 陈强

成果类型: 基础理论

成果体现形式 : 论文

应用行业: 水利、环境和公共设施管理业

学科分类: 工程地质学(410.30)

应用状态: 小批量或小范围应用

完成人: 牛洪涛


ect the characteristics of landslide in the contact zone of soil and rock in mountain area as input signals, and the output results are (0,1), (1,0), respectively indicating that landslide occurs or does not occur. The simulation results show that the prediction results of the model are consistent with the actual results, which can be used for the actual prediction of landslide geological hazards in the contact zone of soil and rock in mountain areas.
